As usual let me start by saying BEST. HEROES CON. EVER!!!!
Yes, anyone who attends Heroes Con in anyway, shape or form
always says this. It’s the great fans/attendees, it’s the awesome staff and
volunteers, it’s all the amazing guests and retailers, it’s all part of what
makes Heroes Con so special. For me, this year set a new standard because my
family came to the con with me.
Shelton Drum has been very deliberate, and wisely so, in
making sure that Heroes is a “family-friendly” convention. I’ve always known
that, but never really experienced it as I did this weekend…and by “I,” I mean
my wife and kids.
My wife is a civilian, meaning that she didn’t know anything
about comics and comic culture until we met, so over the past 12ish years she’s
learned a lot. We experimented with attending a small local convention and then
stepped it up with Charlotte Mini-Con before going all-in for a three-day show
like Heroes. Every single aspect of Heroes was a complete thrill for the kids
and by extension for my wife and I. Artists, fans, retailers: If you’ve ever
been hesitant about brining small kids to a con, this is the one!!
The scavenger hunt, the Drink-n-Draw/auction, the costume
contest, the bounce-house, seeing other artists and friends and buying great
and comics…it was all incredible for them. At the of each day, my daughter (7
years old) would say, “This was the most awesome day ever!!!”
What more can a guy ask for?
Here are the sketches that I did this weekend, minus 2 that I forgot to shoot. Thanks to all the owners of these sketches for the work!!