Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Recent Covers

Good evening gang, here are some covers that I've penciled recently:

Cryptopia #2 and #3 covers...that's right folks, Cryptopia still lives!

Cryptopia is a sci-fi/mystery that follows an intrepid group of scientist, lead by the main character, Dr. Shannon Palmer, to a recently discovered island where bizarre creatures roam free. Written by Ben Raab, drawn by me and inked by a talented variety of folks, colored by the incomparable Lee Loughridge, has lots of eye-candy, thrilling adventures and great inter-personal character pieces. You'll be able to grab it on Wowio soon.
After I penciled these, Ben sent 'em off to John Rauch for the finishing touch.

That's it for now! I hope that everyone going to San Diego has a blast!

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